Join us sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am

What is Family Dedication?

This special service permits parents/guardians to publicly present their children to God and to make a commitment to bring their children up in a Christ-centered home.  This service also enables the church to commit herself to walking with these families in the Christ-centered upbringing of their child(ren). At GCC, Family Dedication services are held approximately once a year in the spring. Watch the calendar for details and visit this page to sign up.

What does it signify?

It is a parent’s/guardian's act of dedication, making a spiritual commitment to God concerning the upbringing of their child. This commitment involves a lifestyle of praying for the child, teaching from God’s Word and setting a Christ-like example for the child.

How is this different from baptism?

Dedication is not baptism. It does not indicate or assure salvation. At GCC, we believe that every person must exercise personal faith in Christ when he or she is old enough to understand the gospel, repent of their sin, and believe in Jesus. For an indepth explanation of baptism at GCC, please reach out to our lead pastor, Chris Tanner.

Where in Scripture is there a precedent for dedication of a child?

Hannah presented her son, Samuel, to the Lord in Shiloh (1 Sam. 1:11).
Jesus was also dedicated to God (Luke 2:22) and He allowed little children to come to Him for His blessing (Matt. 19:13-15).

If your heart is in agreement with the purpose and the motive of the Family Dedication, then we invite you to participate. We consider this a sincere promise to God that flows out of your commitment to Jesus Christ.

*We welcome single parents or families with only one believing spouse to dedicate their children as well.

Family Dedication Events

1) Orientation/Preparation for dedication - watch 2 videos then complete the 2 related homework activities & send in names and photos of child(ren) for the dedication celebration and covenant.  The videos and homework will be EMAILED/TEXTED to those who have signed up by end of March! Names and PHOTOS of child(ren) or family can be sent to Megan Hodge (Family Ministry Director) at NO LATER THAN Wednesday, 4/3/24! Thank you:)

2) Celebration - invite your circle (family & friends), share your vision for the future of your child (stems from homework) & meet some of our Family Ministry volunteers.  This celebration is happening on Sunday, April 7th of 2024 following 2nd service in the Fireside room.  Pizza, drinks and desserts will be provided during this time! 

3) Covenant Sunday - Our church walks alongside you and your family to raise your child(ren) to know and love Jesus.  This piece will occur during services on Sunday, April 14th of 2024!