Join us sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am

Meal Packing with Lifeline Christian Mission

Meal Packing facebook cover image

March 9, 2025

12:00pm – 4:00pm

Location: 9420 State Road 64, Georgetown, IN 47122

Category: Missions

Last February the Georgetown Christian family packed meals in partnership with Lifeline Christian Mission. We began our campaign with the question, “Will you help?” And you did in a big way!  First you were generous with your money.  Then you were generous with your time.  We raised $4,500 and packed 14,000 meals.

We are going to do it again on March 9 after second service.  And we are raising the bar.  Our goal this year is to raise $7,000 and pack 21,000 meals.  It’s a stretch but we are confident that God will provide and GCC will rise to the occasion.

There are three things we need you to do:

Pray for this event.  Pray for generous donations and cheerful workers

Prayerfully consider donating.  Please write “Meal Pack” on your check or envelope.  If you give online, put “Meal Pack” in the comments box on Breeze or PayPal or the memo field on your bill pay application.

Put March 9 on your calendar and be here to help.  Everyone is welcome and can contribute.  From children to their grandparents.  From our most “experienced” to our most “youthful” saints. 

Thank you for your faithfulness.  If you have questions, please contact John Bruns at or 502-594-8015.

Click here to donate via Breeze

Click here to donate via PayPal